Yes, a godly man should look for his future wife and pursue her. However, she should help the man find her and pursue her (Genesis 2:18). All relationships are a two-way street. If you are not helping your future husband find you, you may never be found.
3 Signs a Christian Guy Likes You But He’s Trying to Hide It
Are you unsure if a guy likes you or not? Here are 3 signs that often mean a Christian guy likes you but he’s trying to hide his feelings for you.
3 Biblical Ways Your Future Husband Will Identify Himself to You
If you are a Christian woman, one of the ways God will show you who to marry is by leading your husband to identify himself to you.
How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection
How can you overcome your fear of getting rejected by a woman?
4 Ways God Prepares a Man for His Calling
God as a good plan for your life. He intends to you use you in important ways. Other people are going to benefit from what God does through you.
5 Reasons God Might Put You in an “Opposites Attract” Type of Relationship
The term “opposites attract” can be biblical or unbiblical depending on what you mean when you say it.
5 Biblical Differences Between a Nice Guy and a Kind Man
As a Christian man, we are called to be kind, which is very different than being nice (as I use the word). Therefore, here are 5 differences between being a “nice guy” compared to being a kind man.
3 Signs God Is Saying, “Let Her Go”
How will you know if you should hold onto the hope of being with a certain woman or if you should let her go?
4 Relationship Rules from Esther that Will Help a Woman Meet the Right Man
Here are 4 rules (principles) from the book of Esther that can help women in their relationships with men.
4 Signs God Is Protecting You from a Bad Relationship with a Woman
Here are 4 signs God is protecting you from a bad relationship with a woman