Just because a man is pursuing you does not mean he is serious. There are many guys who know what to say to a Christian woman to make her feel like things are going well simply so he can try to use her for his own selfish pleasures.
4 Thoughts a Christian Man Has When He Likes a Woman
Here are 4 thoughts, in no particular order, that go through the mind of a Christian man who has feelings for a woman.
3 Common Ways Christian Single Women Send the Wrong Signal to a Guy They Like
Here are 3 common ways Christian single women often send the wrong signal to the guy they are interested in.
3 Signs You Really Are Romantically Connecting with Someone and Not Just Imagining Things
I believe there are basically three big phases that Christian single people need to go through if they want to get married one day. You have to meet, date, and then get engaged.
4 Intentional Ways to Build a Connection with Someone You Want to Date
One of the most common mistakes Christian singles make while trying to date someone they like is that they express romantic intent before building a connection with this person.
3 Signs of a Passive Man
Here are 3 common signs of a passive man.
3 Signs God Is Telling You to Risk Getting Rejected
My intention in this article is not to lead people needlessly into painful relationship experiences. Don’t get me wrong, if you don’t need to experience rejection, by all means avoid it when you can.
10 Powerful Tips to Prepare You for a Successful Christian Dating Relationship
Description: In this concise mine-eBook, I share with you 10 powerful tips to help you succeed in Christian dating. These 10 tips build on each other, taking you from the pre-dating season right up to the point of engagement. We systematically discuss the practical and spiritual steps in the meeting, dating, and marrying process. If you are looking for deep biblical insight into Christian dating, this book will not disappoint.
3 Traits to Look for Before You Date Him/Her
For more information about my online courses for Christians singles, click here to visit AGW University.
The Only 3 Ways to Meet The One God Has For You
Have you ever said something like, “There are just no Christians singles at my church” or “I live in a small town so my options are really limited” or “I tried online dating once and it was a total disaster” or “The only people who want to date me are non-Christians.”