Yes, a godly man should look for his future wife and pursue her. However, she should help the man find her and pursue her (Genesis 2:18). All relationships are a two-way street. If you are not helping your future husband find you, you may never be found.
3 Signs a Christian Guy Likes You But He’s Trying to Hide It
Are you unsure if a guy likes you or not? Here are 3 signs that often mean a Christian guy likes you but he’s trying to hide his feelings for you.
3 Biblical Ways Your Future Husband Will Identify Himself to You
If you are a Christian woman, one of the ways God will show you who to marry is by leading your husband to identify himself to you.
4 Relationship Rules from Esther that Will Help a Woman Meet the Right Man
Here are 4 rules (principles) from the book of Esther that can help women in their relationships with men.
4 Biblical Things that Make a Woman Look Beautiful to a Man
By focusing on women in this article, I’m not saying some of these points don’t apply to men. I’m simply trying to stay focused on women in this article even if there would be some overlap in some areas with men.
3 Things Christian Men Want in a Wife that They Won’t Tell You
In fear of hurting a woman, sometimes a man will just move on from her rather than telling her what the specific reason is. There are things men really want their future wife to have, but they are not going to try to help a woman have those traits. Rather, they are just going to look for a woman who already does have those traits and move on from the women who don’t.
5 Biblical Feelings a Woman Will Have When She Meets The Man God Has For Her
How will a Christian woman know when God is revealing her future husband to her?
3 Biblical Things to Do When the Man You Love Is Not Pursuing You
There’s no direct verse to women about loving a man who is not pursuing her. However, there are many verses that contain relevant principles which can be extremely powerful and helpful.
4 Signs God Is Saying, “He’s the Man I Have for You”
Here are 4 signs God is saying, “That’s the man I have for you to marry one day.”
5 Ways to Invite a Man to Pursue You
While many Christians have been taught that it’s the man’s job to pursue the woman (which is true), far less have been taught the equally important truth that it’s the woman’s job to invite the man to pursue.